Round 1 Scholarships due April 15 are closed. Materials will be accepted June 1 through September 30 for Round 2 awards.
Greetings, Dollars 4 Tic Scholars Scholarship Applicants,
We hope that everyone is safe and social distancing! In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are taking measures to accommodate your application obstacles. We have heard from many students, and we understand. We want to be sensitive to those who are having trouble reaching their schools and physicians for required materials.
Therefore, we have made some decisions as follows:
Effective 3/28/2020, there will be two rounds of Dollars 4 Tic Scholars scholarship applications:
- Round 1 – due April 15 as planned, for those who are able to get us the materials by the due date. These awards will go out June 2020 for Fall 2020 semester, as scheduled. (Thank you to those of you who have already successfully turned in your complete applications prior to the appearance of COVID-19.)
- Round 2 – Our second application period will open June 1 and close Sept 30. These second-round applications will be awarded in time for the January 2021 semester, approximately in November 2020.
- Applications with any parts not supplied by April 15: Due to the current situation in our nation, your application will be moved to Round 2 with no penalty. This gives all students full opportunity to participate in the D4TS scholarship selection process.
If this occurs, you will receive an email, which will tell you which materials are missing or not adhering to the new instructions below. You will be required to provide those materials by September 30. We reserve the option to move your application to Round 2 if we deem any materials unclear, and the decision of our team is final. Applications with portions dated or received beyond September 30 will not be considered.
Materials will not be accepted between April 16 and May 31.
Specific instructions per materials, for April 15 or September 30 deadlines:
- Mail still accepted.
- May be emailed directly from your university to Letterhead preferred.
- Email forwards will not be accepted.
- Alternately, you may email a screen shot of the transcript from your school portal showing the school name/logo, your name and your courses and grades. Also include emailed unofficial transcripts that you have downloaded.
- We reserve the option to move your application to Round 2 if we deem these materials unclear, and the decision of our team is final.
Letters of reference:
- Mail still accepted.
- Emailed letters accepted directly from the source to with your name and “Reference Letter” in the subject line. These still need to be limited in length to what would be considered a one page, front only letter.
- Letterhead for academic and employment reference letters is preferred. Alternately, they may write us a note that contains their credentials and official signature and attach the letter.
- No forwarded letters will be accepted.
FAFSA SAR multi page document – there should be no problem obtaining this since you can print it from your computer.
- Mail still accepted.
- Scanned and emailed to will be accepted – be sure it is complete and in page order including the first summary page.
- We will not accept photos of each page that we have to put together into a document.
Physician letter: Do the best you can to call or email and request it.
- Mail still accepted.
- The letter may be emailed directly from the physician/physician’s office to
- Letterhead is preferred. Alternately, they may write us a note that contains their credentials or official signature and attach the letter.
- No forwarded letters will be accepted.
Please note: NO LINKS to any materials will be accepted other than the links or uploads required within the online application (such as your video). Anything that requires us to print a document will not be accepted. Please do not send us PHOTOS of documents. They need to be scans. (If you have the document – mail it.)
Our mailing address is:
The Kelsey B. Diamantis TS Scholarship Family Foundation, Inc.
21801 Little Bear Lane
Boca Raton, FL 33428
We hope this has been helpful, as our goal is to continue to recognize and encourage our students with Tourette Syndrome. We sincerely wish the best of health for all of you during this difficult challenge in our country. Should you have additional questions, please email
Supporting our Movers and Shakers,
Diane Diamantis and Kelsey (Diamantis) Padilla
Dollars 4 Tic Scholars