So you want to start a non-profit…

Diane DiamantisFormation, Non-ProfitLeave a Comment

I am writing this blogpost today for anyone who runs across this site by random accident.

My family and I made a decision to set up a non profit organization that awards college scholarships to college students with Tourette’s Syndrome. I have never run a non profit 501c3 before, although through my business I have had some as public relations clients.

So, I have been on a journey of research, research, and more research. Through my own studies, help from the SBDC, LinkedIN groups and some organizations, not to mention my CPA, I am going to begin the incorporation and 501c3 establishment of this organization in May 2014.

There is much to learn and much to do. Our goal is to help students with Tourette’s syndrome financially to encourage them to go to college and then become a contributor to society in whatever way they dream of. Students with Tourette’s Syndrome often face a tri-fecta of challenges, so to speak. Not only are they distracted with motor or vocal tics, they may also have ADD and OCD, not to mention anxiety. For a student to master this and be able to have a successful college experience takes determination. We want to help with financial encouragement. It won’t solve the focus and learning challenges. But hopefully it will let these students know that someone is behind them.

Stay tuned to this site – it is a test site. We are probably going to change to another site but if you click to the right and put your name in our list, you will receive email updates when we do move sites or update.

If you are a high school student or parent of a student, stay tuned. I hope that we will be up and running to offer scholarships for the Fall of 2015. We will be setting up a donation page as well. I have alot to tackle and alot to learn.

Diane Diamantis

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